Position Classification Title: CC Chief Business Officer,II
Position Classification Code: C1046
Job Family: Business, Accounting and Finance
Pay Level: 10
Exempt Status: Exempt
This description is intended to describe the general nature of the work being performed. It is not intended to be a complete list of specific duties of any particular position. Duties, responsibilities and bargaining unit eligibility may vary based on the specific tasks assigned to the position.
Purpose of Classification:
Senior financial position with responsibility for the combined functions of administrative and financial affairs for a medium Community College. Overall responsibilities typically include accounting, purchasing, physical plant and property management, human resources, food services, auxiliary enterprises, investments and related Bus matters.
Standard Duties:
Fiscal Planning. Budget process, allocation, preparation, and monitoring. Facilities planning, design, and construction. Administer grant and contract proposal/budget review and major purchases of equipment and services. Administration, hiring, supervision, and evaluation of fiscal, computer, facility, and human resource, and internal service employees. Interpretation of NMHED and NMSU policies and procedures and development of internal community college policies and procedures. Approval of major personnel, payroll, purchasing, receivable, travel and accounting transactions.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
Knowledge of university and department policies and procedures. Knowledge of the principles and practices of organization and administration; principles of supervision, training and performance evaluation. Knowledge of laboratory and field research; university structure and function.
short- and long-term planning; problem analysis and resolution; report preparation and presentation; interpersonal and organizational communication, both oral and written.
develop and maintain effective working relationships; maintain accurate and orderly records; use independent judgment and initiative; organize and direct activities.
Minimum Qualifications:
   Education- Bachelor's degree in a related field.
   Experience- Five (5) years of related professional experience.
   Equivalency- None
   Departmental Requirements-
   Special Requirements-