
Market Study Methodology- General Information

Data Points Published

  • 50 th (median) percentiles

Reporting Base

  • Instructional Faculty Data and Community College Faculty Data are reported as an academic basis (9 months).
  • Library Faculty Data and Cooperative Extension Services (CES) Faculty Data are reported as an annual basis (12 months).

Market Comparison for Instructional Faculty on Las Cruces Campus

Reporting Base

  • NMSU has adopted the Oklahoma State University (OSU) and College of University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR) as the approved market sources. These surveys define disciplines based on the Classification of Instructional Programs: 2000 Edition (CIP) published by the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).
  • Instructional Faculty Data is reported on an academic basis (9 months).
  • Data points published at median (50th percentile).
  • Market salary is determined by discipline and rank.
  • Survey data include Instructor, New Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Full Professor.
  • New Assistant Professor is defined as “assistant professors who were hired for the first time in the fall of the current academic year.”

Survey Sources and Scope Cut

  • Oklahoma State University (OSU) Salary Survey. Two scope cuts are used to ensure adequate sample coverage and appropriateness of match:
    • NMSU Peer Group
    • High Research Activity Schools
  • College of University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR) Salary Survey.
  • Formulation of Market Composite:
    • OSU (NMSU Peer Group) data was the primary survey source used in developing the market composite for the position when the sample size was greater than ten.
    • When the sample size for the OSU (NMSU Peer Group) data was between five and ten, OSU (High Research Activity) was also incorporated as part of the market composite. In some cases when OSU (High Research Activity) data sample size was also less than ten or data appeared erratic, CUPA data (representing a set of All Public Institutions) was then incorporated.
    • Any data sources with sample size of less than five organizations were not weighted and considered in the market composite.

Market Comparison for Community Colleges Faculty

Reporting Base

  • NMSU has adopted the College of University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR) as the approved market sources.
  • Instructional Faculty Data is reported on an academic basis (9 months).
  • Data points published at median (50th percentile).
  • Market salary is an equal weighting of education and rank.
  • Survey data include Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Full Professor.

Survey Sources and Scope Cuts

  • College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR) Community College Faculty Salary Survey. A report of salary data for faculty serving at two-year institutions.

Formulation of Market Composite

  • The market composite reflects an equal weighting of:
    • Salaries reported by level of education
    • Salaries reported by rank

Geographic Differential for the Southwest Region

  • Utilizing the Economic Research Institute (ERI) geographic assessor, a geographic differential was calculated for the Southwest region. Overall, the geographic differential for the region is 95% of national data. This has been applied to the market data.

Market Comparison for Library Faculty on Las Cruces Campus

Reporting Base

  • NMSU has adopted the Association of Research Libraries Annual Salary Survey (ARL) as the approved market source.
  • Library Faculty Data is reported on an annual basis (12 months).
  • Data points published at median (average).
  • Market salary is determined by functional category and years since Masters of Library Science (MLS).
  • Survey Source – Association of Research Libraries Annual Salary Survey. Tables 26 through 30, reporting data on U.S. ARL university library members excluding law and medical data.
  • Years of Experience – “Define ‘professional experience’ as indicated in the general instructions; for most professional staff members this will mean counting the years since the MLS degree was awarded. When counting, do not subtract interim periods when an individual was not engaged in professional library employment if these periods are short in relation to the overall professional career. Count an academic year contract period as a full year. Be sure to include professional experience in previous positions and in other institutions.”

Market Comparison for Cooperative Extension Services (CES) Faculty

Reporting Base

  • NMSU has adopted the Salary Analysis of Cooperative Extension Service Positions as the approved market source.
  • CES Faculty Data is reported on an annual basis (12 months).
  • Data points published at median (average).
  • Market salary is determined by job title and highest degree .