College and Division Contact List

This list outlines the the primary contacts across campus and is used by HR Services to communicate broadly with all colleges and divisions within the NMSU System. A single contact type has been identified by job title or role for each division/college. Click here to see the College/Division list Guidelines

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College/Division List Guidelines

HR recognizes the following roles for communication purposes across campus:

  • Senior Administrator: role held by Campus Presidents, Deans, Sr. Vice Presidents and other high-level positions reporting directly to the President of NMSU or the Executive Vice President and Provost.
    • Associate Dean: In many instances, the Associate Deans will be copied regarding matters that are sent to the Deans on the Senior Administrator list.
  • Business Manager: person in the unit who holds the title of Business Manager or may perform financial duties while working centrally with the Senior Administrator.
  • HR Liaison-Primary: primary HR Liaison contact, usually appointed by the Senior Administrator to act as the primary communication link between HRS and their unit.
  • HR Liaison: serves as the backup contact or additional support contact for the HR Liaison Primary.

To ensure a smooth communication process, we allow only one person per role for each college or division. Therefore, if you have other individuals in your unit who need to be informed regarding HR matters, announcements, functions, processes, etc... please either:

  1. Determine an internal process where the recipients from the above five roles will forward this information as necessary or;
  2. Setup a Listserv that includes the individuals who are identified for all five roles as well as others who may need to receive HR information. If you do this, please understand that all information from HRS will be sent to all individuals on that list at all times.

We realize that as the central HR office for NMSU we can send quite a few memos over the year. That being said, we try to combine notices where possible but sometimes our intended target audience prevents us from doing this. However, we do appreciate your cooperation in reading and appropriately distributing information as necessary. Thank you for your support!

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