Conflict of Interest & Ethics

Conflict of Interest/Commitment

NMSU is committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethics and integrity in all of its academic and administrative operations. Both members of the university and entities controlled by the university have a vital need to recognize and deal with conflicts of interest and/or commitment. Therefore, the university requires periodic disclosures of interests related to university responsibilities as described below.


Reporting Requirements

Conflicts of Interest and Commitment must be reported by all regular employees under the following circumstances:
  • Upon hire
  • Annually when initiated by HR Services (Fall)
  • When a conflict arises that has not been reported


Involved in Sponsored Activities

Conflicts arise at the time of proposal submission for research funding, when research gift funding is received, and when an application for protocol is submitted for a clinical study. For more information on reporting conflicts when involved in Sponsored Activities, please see the Associate VP for Research Integrity: Conflict of Interest website.


Business Ethics Handbook

Integrity and ethics exist in the individual, or they do not exist at all. They must be upheld by individuals, or they are not upheld at all. To ensure that integrity and ethics are characteristics associated with New Mexico State University, each NMSU official, employee and representative is expected to comply with the Principles of Ethical Conduct expressed in ARP 3.0. All employees are required to review and acknowledge the Business Ethics Handbook at least once a year when completing their Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form.

EthicsPoint Confidential Reporting

NMSU has chosen Ethicspoint® to provide an anonymous and confidential reporting tool to communicate misconduct and promote a positive work environment. Addressing misconduct and other concerns in the workplace early on will help minimize negative morale issues and financial impact to the University and its employees. How do I file an Ethicspoint report?

Best Practices Review Tool for Managers and Administrators

As a New Mexico State University director, manager or administrator it is important to periodically determine if good business practices are being observed within your operating unit. Therefore, the office of Audit Services has made available Helpful Tools for Departments. Use these tools to voluntarily evaluate and improve various internal controls and business practices in your area.