Temp Faculty and GA Hire FAQs

1. How do I calculate a regular faculty member’s pay if s/he receive a base pay salary adjustment? (Changes in salary (i.e. promotion, annual increase, etc.) are calculated as follows:)

Michelle Jasso9 month faculty pay will be based on:

  • Academic – new FY academic salary
  • Fall/Spring – new FY academic salary
  • Full Summer- average of current and new fiscal year (FY) academic salary
  • MS1- current FY academic salary
  • MS2- new FY academic salaryMS3- average of current and new FY academic salary

12 month faculty hired to teach in an overload status during summer months. The amount to be paid is based on the 9 month converted salary and the annual salary calculation factor

2. Where do I find the faculty member's current and new salary?

Salary information can be found in banner using the NBAJOBS screen. To find the most current salary you can use your “up” and “down” arrow keys or the “next record” and “previous record” buttons at the top tool box to toggle back and forth to find the most recent record and previous record.

3. How do I know if the faculty member is a 9 month or 12 month employee?

By looking at the employee Class on the NBAJOBS screen.

  • fall colorA1= Faculty FT Regular – Academic (pay factor of 18)
  • A2 = Faculty PT Regular – Academic (pay factor of 18)
  • AD = Faculty FT Regular – Academic (pay factor of 18 with number of pays 24 “deferred” pay)
  • B1 = Faculty Regular FT – Annual (pay factor of 24)
  • B2 Faculty Regular PT – Annual (pay factor of 24)

4. If a regular faculty employee is part-time do I use his/her 9 month part-time salary to determine his/her salary?

No, you will need to convert his/her part-time salary to his/her full-time 9 month salary prior to calculating (9 month part-time salary divided by the FTE = 9 month full-time salary).

5. How do I calculate the academic rate from a 12 month to a 9 month rate? Regular 12 month Faculty teaching temporary for Las Cruces Campus:

  • Annual Salary x .75 (example: $42,000 x .75 = $31,500)
  • Academic salary is $31,500

6. How do I calculate a salary for research hires?

Research Salary Calculator: this calculator is a tool to assist you in determining the Total Amount to be Paid, which is the amount you will be entering into the EPAF.

  • Academic Salary: the faculty member's full time 9-month salary
  • FTE: What FTE will the faculty member be working at?
  • Job Start and Job End Dates: this should be the actual dates of employment from start to stop dates | Research Salary calculator
  • Basis for Salary Calculation, should follow process in “How do I calculate regular faculty member's pay?”

7. What is the summer salary cap?

Total summer salary cannot exceed 150% of the academic salary. For periods outside session dates, summer employment may begin day after final grades are due for spring semester and end of day before fall faculty report date.

  • Research– Allowed up to 1.0 FTE at 100% of academic salary
    • Up to an additional .5 FTE for research may be submitted for supplemental compensation with agency approval
    • Must be submitted using the supplemental compensation pooled position #
  • Teaching– Allowed up to 1.0 FTE of factor calculated summer salary
    • Up to an additional .5 FTE may be submitted
    • Summer Factor calculation will be used based on credit hours taught to determine rate of pay
8. What position number do I use?lab facultyThe following position numbers will be used according to your hire.
  • 999996 - Temp Faculty Instr-Credit
  • 999995 - Temp Faculty Instr- NonCredit
  • 999994 - Temp Faculty-Research
  • 999993 - Temp Faculty-Public Service
  • 918898 - Temp Staff Supplemental Pay
  • 918998 - Temp Faculty Supplemental Pay
  • 917555 - Teaching Assistant
  • 917777 - Research Assistant
  • 917888 - Other
  • 917444 - Graduate Asst-Fellow
  • 967999 - Research Assistant PSL