Evaluating and Responding to Pool
Only candidates who meet the minimum requirements of the position are considered applicants. All applicants must be given a complete and fair review by the entire committee. Management of applicants (processing through electronic workflow states such as Not Interviewed/Not Selected, Interviewed Not Select) is completed electronically in PageUp. Within these workflow state categories, you will be required to select a “deselect reason” (note: once changed and email goes immediately to the candidate). The initial screening can continue to be utilized (outside of PageUp) as a tool to assist Search Committee’s with the process (see Initial Screening).
- Identify selection criteria by which applicants will be evaluated. The criteria should be developed from the established job description. Ranking or selection criteria can be established using one of two processes:
- PageUp Ranking Criteria – this feature allows the Search Committee to establish applicant evaluation questions, which are then utilized by each Search Committee member in evaluating applications, interview questions, etc.
- External Tools – (see Curriculum Vitae Criteria Checklist).
- Complete evaluation of each applicant based on the criteria checklist. Be aware of cognitive errors and unconscious bias that can occur in the evaluation process, especially if rushed or under pressure.
- Reference checking may be conducted in three ways and should be completed prior to the interview stage:
- PageUp Electronic Reference – this feature is an electronic request for a reference letter sent to the designated reference provider (designated by the applicant).
- Phone Reference (see Suggested Referencing Questions).
- Postal Services Mailing
- Telephone interviews can be used as a screening tool to determine a finalist for the onsite interviews, if needed (see Interview Prep and Sample Interview Questions)
- Document the screening process. This will include all applicable search committee member notes and comments. You are required to scan a copy of all documents and attach to the PageUp action as well as maintaining the paper documents. These are required retention documents for the departmental recruitment file, and discoverable if the search process is challenged. The screening process may be conducted two ways or a combination of both:
- System Evaluation through PageUp Ranking Criteria – this feature allows the Search Committee to define applicant evaluation criteria. The system allows for multiple types of review such as application and/or interview evaluation.
- External Evaluation – if you have an external evaluation process that you are comfortable with and have determined best meets your needs, you can continue that process. You are required to maintain the documents under records retention requirements as stated above.
Introduction to the Search Process
Search Process
- Planning and Recruiting
- Evaluating and Responding to Pool
- Preparing for On-site Visits
- Preparing for and Conducting Interviews
- Finishing the Search Process
Roles in Search Process
- Role of the Dean
- Role of the Department Head
- Role of the Search Advisory Committee Chair
- Role of the Search Advisory Committee
- Role of the Department
After the Search
Recruitment Resources
Office of the Provost

Hiring & Recruitment Toolkit
For the specific details regarding the actual hiring procedure, please visit the Regular Faculty toolkit.
Faculty Hiring Policies
When hiring new faculty, all involved personnel, including administrators and search advisory committee members, must comply with University policies and procedures, as well as college specific guidelines.
- ARP 6.01 – Hiring
- ARP 6.14 – Hiring of Individuals Named in Contract
- ARP 6.51 – Qualification for Faculty Appointment, Generally
Retention of Records
Retain all applications and records of employment decisions within the employing unit for a period of three (3) years from the date of the decision.