Search Committee
Recruiting Excellent and Diverse Faculty
"Diversity and Internationalization - Provide a diverse academic environment supportive of global society."
Every position at NMSU is critical to our ability to achieve our shared institutional goals. Each time we hire a faculty, staff and student member, we are given a chance to enhance this community and to demonstrate our university’s values of accountability, diversity, respect, and responsibility. We do this by following effective hiring practices that support and comply with NMSU policy and procedures in a way that is mindful of climate, culture and diversity and by acknowledging the unique qualities of each individual throughout the hiring process.
Since each opportunity varies, the search for a new faculty member is both unique and structured by policies. We have the assignment of finding the best qualified candidates, while the candidates are determining if they want New Mexico State University to be their institutional home. It is important that the search and recruitment process be a positive one, since the candidates are evaluating the position, department, and university during all stages of the hiring process.
Focusing on diversity and looking for more ways to be truly inclusive and making full use of the contributions of all are best practices and an avenue to becoming the best land grant university in the nation. This focus will result in having a dynamic intellectual community that will meet the needs of our students, university community members, and our varied stakeholders. Success in our diversity efforts can be demonstrated when each person examines his or her attitudes, beliefs, and expectations of others; gaining comfort with differences; and developing awareness and understanding. New Mexico State University has a focus on excellence that facilitates the achievement of career and personal goals. Excellence and a strong commitment to diversity will create a vibrant work environment with a dynamic exchange of ideas and scholarship that will prepare our students to enter a global community and be lifelong productive citizens.
Introduction to the Search Process
Search Process
- Planning and Recruiting
- Evaluating and Responding to Pool
- Preparing for On-site Visits
- Preparing for and Conducting Interviews
- Finishing the Search Process
Roles in Search Process
- Role of the Dean
- Role of the Department Head
- Role of the Search Advisory Committee Chair
- Role of the Search Advisory Committee
- Role of the Department
After the Search
Recruitment Resources
Office of the Provost

Hiring & Recruitment Toolkit
For the specific details regarding the actual hiring procedure, please visit the Regular Faculty toolkit.
Faculty Hiring Policies
When hiring new faculty, all involved personnel, including administrators and search advisory committee members, must comply with University policies and procedures, as well as college specific guidelines.
- ARP 6.01 – Hiring
- ARP 6.14 – Hiring of Individuals Named in Contract
- ARP 6.51 – Qualification for Faculty Appointment, Generally
Retention of Records
Retain all applications and records of employment decisions within the employing unit for a period of three (3) years from the date of the decision.