Preparing for On-site Visits

  • Based on the dean’s charge, the search advisory committee submits an unranked list of finalists for the dean’s review and approval to interview. In addition, the committee must submit a memo that includes:
    • Description of the applicant pool, including total number that applied and the number that did not meet the minimum qualifications.
    • Explanation of why those who met the minimum qualifications were eliminated.
    • List of candidates selected for campus interviews with a rationale for their selection.
  • The dean conducts an equity review to ensure all applicants were reviewed and screened appropriately. Deans and Community College Presidents will be responsible for approving the committee memo.
  • arts interior If needed, the dean may conduct further reference checks. (see Suggested Referencing Questions
  • There are some major factors that must be taken into consideration when scheduling interviews:
    • The search committee and chair must determine how many people (aside from the search advisory committee) will meet with each applicant one-on-one, in an open-forum, or during professional presentations. These people should include prospective peers, subordinates, department heads/chairs, etc. Various customers or constituents might also be included in interviews.
    • Other factors to consider are the potential need for the committee to arrange or provide are meals, social events; transportation and lodging. The committee chair is usually the primary host, but will often seek volunteers or assign committee members to assist with hosting applicants.
    • A committee member may be responsible for picking up an applicant from the airport, taking him/her on a campus tour, having dinner, or answering questions about the position in question and the selection process. The committee chair may also ask the hiring department to assist with the many administrative and logistical requirements of arranging and holding on-site interviews.
  • Advance communication is important when applicants will be meeting with more than the search committee during their visit to campus.
    • The search committee should send applicants a schedule of events in advance. The schedule should note the names and titles of the individuals with whom the applicants will meet. Copies of the schedule should be given to all individuals included in the schedule. The individuals responsible for escorting applicants to and from meetings should also be identified. This information can accompany a welcome package (see Recruitment Publication Resources) that should be sent to all interviewees.
    • Advance notice should be provided to the department and campus community about upcoming campus visits.
  • Provide copies of the candidates’ curriculum vitae , without references or documentation listing personal information that could identify a candidates gender, age, ethnicity, culture, etc. (i.e. social security numbers, dates of birth, nationality, country of birth, etc.), to departmental members and anyone meeting with the candidates.
  • Provide flexibility and consideration for the unique qualities of each candidate to ensure a positive experience by providing varied options for the visit within budgetary constraints.

Introduction to the Search Process

Search Process

Roles in Search Process

After the Search

Recruitment Resources


Office of the Provost

Hiring & Recruitment Toolkit

For the specific details regarding the actual hiring procedure, please visit the Regular Faculty toolkit.

Faculty Hiring Policies

When hiring new faculty, all involved personnel, including administrators and search advisory committee members, must comply with University policies and procedures, as well as college specific guidelines.

Retention of Records

Retain all applications and records of employment decisions within the employing unit for a period of three (3) years from the date of the decision.