Role of the Dean

  • Deans, department heads, search advisory committee members, and other department members play an integral role in the recruitment and retention of new faculty so it is imperative that they are aware of specific assignments that need to be completed. In the following table, the search process is explained per role in three phases: before the search, during the search, and after the search.

    Role of the Dean before, during, and after the search
    Before the Search: During the Search: After the Search:
    Promote the use of networking recruitment strategies (e.g. personal calls, directories). Prior to campus interviews, deans will review the search advisory committee's memo to ensure equity in the process. (see Preparing for On-site Visits). Conduct annual assessments of the search process with department head to ensure that the proper steps were followed in the hiring process.
    Meet with the department head to answer questions about the direction and vision of the college and to address any questions and concerns. Meet with each finalist to share with them the history, mission, future challenges/direction of the department and college. In conjunction with the department head, develop retention strategies for new hires.
    Provide monetary resources for the search process. Complete the formal negotiations with selected finalists. Evaluate the success of searches in meeting diversity goals and hold department heads accountable for their successes/failures.

Introduction to the Search Process

Search Process

Roles in Search Process

After the Search

Recruitment Resources


Office of the Provost

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Hiring & Recruitment Toolkit

For the specific details regarding the actual hiring procedure, please visit the Regular Faculty toolkit.

Faculty Hiring Policies

When hiring new faculty, all involved personnel, including administrators and search advisory committee members, must comply with University policies and procedures, as well as college specific guidelines.

Retention of Records

Retain all applications and records of employment decisions within the employing unit for a period of three (3) years from the date of the decision.